Sales & Marketing Efficiency

As an independent consultancy, we are ideally placed to work on challenges that sit across the sales and marketing funnel and have no vested interest in the investment in any specific channel.

The Challenge

Effectively channelling sales and marketing investment for the short and the long term is an ongoing challenge for most organisations.

While digital channels bring a sense of immediate transparency and accountability, often the understanding of their real impact as part of the broader marketing mix is less clear cut.

And when customer interactions span channels and platforms, potentially over an extended timeframe, that challenge becomes amplified.

The Solution

Understanding – We always start by understanding the customer journey and making sure the right dots are joined in terms of measuring key sales and marketing interactions.

Modelling – Our data science team are experts in various approaches that can directly increase return on sales and marketing investment. We often combine marketing attribution and media mix modelling with broader econometric models to help clients optimise their investment at both the macro and micro level.

Prediction – For business to business (B2B) organisations, we can use lead scoring and other predictive methods to help focus sales resource onto the most valuable prospects with the highest probability of success. And for businesses for whom word of mouth and social are key channels, we can overlay sentiment analysis to help get to the crux of what is working and not working.

Execution – Sales and marketing execution processes are often unexplored facets of efficiency. Our strategic consulting and data engineering capabilities enable us to help optimise the business and technical processes involved and make our recommendations truly actionable.

Why Lynchpin?

As an independent consultancy, we are ideally placed to work on challenges that sit across the sales and marketing funnel and have no vested interest in the investment in any specific channel. We are also able to bring a short and a long-term perspective: a short term “optimisation” could in fact be at the expense of longer-term brand power.

Our team pioneered early digital marketing return on investment tracking solutions in the late nineties and have been consistent leaders in marketing attribution over the past decade.

Our objective is not to try and build a better black box algorithm to beat another black box algorithm; it’s to provide the right customised approach help your organisation in a transparent way you can embed into your business for continuing success.

While we recognise and apply the power of machine learning in our approaches to help evolve and automate models, we don’t believe that should be at the expense of overlaying vital human intelligence and context. And our senior team brings that in spades, having worked in and trained a diverse set of sales and marketing teams globally.

Client Testimonials

For an independent and objective analysis of sales pipeline, customer journey and marketing effectiveness, you need the right analytics partner. Sales and marketing efficiency projects deliver transformative results. Talk to us today to find out how.