Problem: you have a mobile application which sends your users to a website at some point. This may be as a web view embedded in the app or as a link out to another site in your control. When the user views this website, they will be counted as a new visitor.
Adobe provided a decent blog post explaining the nuances of this here: .
At Lynchpin we spend our time making Adobe work for our clients and we noticed that with the new version of AppMeasurement defaulting to using the Marketing Cloud ID the blog post is now out of date.
Adobe Visitor ID Service with traditional s_vi cookies
If you haven’t deployed Adobe Visitor ID service on your desktop site, there are a few things you need to check:
1. The visitor ID grace period must be enabled for your Marketing Cloud Organisation ID
2. Once enabled, you should see the visitor ID service now returning an aid parameter
3. This aid parameter is the one to pass to the app. This is done using trackingIdentifier.
If you have not enabled the grace period, trackingIdentifer is not consistently populated.
Adobe Visitor ID Service across both platforms (s_code H27+ and AppMeasurement 1.3+)
If you are using Marketing Cloud ID Service on your desktop deployment, you’ll want to use the new visitorMarketingCloudID:
NSString *vis­i­torId = measure.visitorID;
NSString *vis­i­torId = [ADBMobile userIdentifier];
NSString *vis­i­torId = [ADBMobile trackingIdentifier];
Should become:
NSString *vis­i­torId = [ADBMobile visitorMarketingCloudID];
You’ll then need to update your website logic to work with the new Visitor ID Service.