The original image and blog post by Matt Turck published here 
So we now have the 4th iteration of the annual “Big Data Landscape” infographic. Once again a dazzling infographic, popularly shared and impactful for discussions on Big Data, but what does it all mean? What can we glean from this teeming mass of technologies and data sources?
Some immediate observations on this view of the landscape:

  • A slight bias towards startups vs established vendors, acknowledged by the authors who are VCs.
  • More focused on vendor technologies than data in terms of the detail.
  • IOT (Internet of Things) is still a pretty small part of the landscape at this stage – expect that to grow massively given the growing availability of cheap sensors, the trends towards wearables, home automation and more.

Regardless, however, we see some important continuing trends around Big Data and the ability of organisations to capitalise on data assets:

  1. Increasing breadth and scope of Big Data solutions
  2. Criticality of data integration strategy
  3. A focus on return on analytics investment
  4. Continuing emergence of machine learning and AI
  5. Infrastructure innovation in terms of speed and capacity

Read our White Paper on “Big Data: Key Trends and Practical Implications” to find out more about the critical success factors around data strategy, analytics approaches, customer relevance and people & skills.